
Friday, September 18, 2015

How to Eat Healthy on ISU"s Campus?

The talk/scare of the Freshman fifteen is upon the campus at large.  Every year students are worried about gaining weight, or just not eating healthy at all because they have to buy a meal plan.  There has to be some way to disrupt this idea.  Click here for an article that talks about college students' habits for eating, and how to interact with them. The article talks about how there are ways to disrupt the belief that students can't eat healthy in the dinning cafeterias, however I think that there are a few discussion points that ISU students could do differently.  For example, the article talks about how students should just eat whenever they want if they are hungry, even at night, as long as they are doing it in a "healthy way".  I think that there are better ways to state that, and go about eating healthy.  On this website, there is the Illinois State University's nutrition home page.  On this home page, students can find ways to eat healthy with the dinning center, and still enjoy a good tasting meal.  They also have options for gluten free, dairy free, and/or any other allergy.  Students can also schedule an appointment with a dietitian that can keep them away from their "Freshman 15", or any other unwanted health issue.  Take a look at what ISU has to offer for healthy eating! 

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