
Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to use the Rec to your Advantage?

There are so many students that I hear complain about how they do not like going to rec because they don't lift at all.  That is a really bad excuse because there are so many fun and exciting classes, activities, and rooms that people can use besides just lifting weights.  So, yes there are the weights that are at the rec, but also there are a ton of machines that are there that can be used for just about any kind of workout someone is doing.  There is the track upstairs to use for any kind of speed/endurance cardio workout.  Also, upstairs is the new HIIT section that allows students to have a really intense workout that only has to last for a short amount of time. There is a swimming pool that can be used.  For people who are looking for something challenging, but fun is the rock climbing wall.  There are tons of classes that are offered for students, and even intramural that can be signed up for too.  Come check out their website and find out more!

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